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A dialogue with Maruko

Maruko picture

Taha: Hey Maruko, long time no see! What have you been up to lately?

Maruko: Hi Taha! Well, life's been busy. I've got a job now, trying to adult and all. How about you?

Taha: Same here, adulting is a wild ride. By the way, any specific career path you're following?

Maruko: Still figuring that out, you know. But work keeps me on my toes. Speaking of which, what's your gig?

Taha: I'm in marketing, it has its moments. Oh, and are you married these days?

Maruko: Not yet, taking my time with that. How about you? Settled down?

Taha: Nope, still a solo adventurer. By the way, any little ones in your life?

Maruko: Haha, no kiddos for me. Just trying to keep up with the grown-up stuff. And you?

Taha: Same boat, no mini-me running around. Life's a journey, isn't it?

Maruko: Absolutely! Let's make the most of it, Taha!


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