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The magic words : Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs

The good thing about English is that it is both simple and complex at the same time. But the complex becomes simplified after a short period of practice.
Look how simple English is. the same word can be a noun and a verb at the same time. and a verb can be with several meanings if you add to it "for, up, down, on, off, back, after...".
These magic words are called "Phrasal Verbs".

Here an example, with the same word: "turn", many of phrasal verbs are made: 

Turn up: To increase the volume or intensity.

Turn down: To decrease the volume or intensity.

Turn on: To activate or start a device or machine.
Turn off: 
To deactivate or stop a device or machine.

Turn in: To submit or hand in something, usually a document or assignment.

Turn out: To produce or result in a particular way.

Turn around: To change direction or face the opposite way.

Turn over: To flip or rotate something so that the other side is facing up.

Turn away: To refuse entry or reject someone.

Turn into: To transform or change into something else.

Yep!  Phrasal Verbs-

You must know them and begin to use them. Practice transforms the ordinary into the magical.
So if you know some vocabulary and how to use it, it is like knowing all vocabulary.

Here's a list of simple phrasal verbs along with their meanings:

Look after:  To take care of or watch over someone or something.

Turn up:  To arrive or appear, especially when unexpected.

Set up:  To establish or arrange something.

Give up:  To stop doing something; to surrender or quit.

Take off: To remove clothing; to leave the ground (for aircraft).

Bring up: To mention or introduce a topic into conversation.

Come across: To find or encounter something by chance.

Bring back: To return something; to evoke memories or feelings.

Put off: To postpone or delay.

Look for: To search or seek something.

Break up: To end a relationship; to disperse or separate.

Turn down: To refuse or reject something.

Wake up: To stop sleeping and become conscious.

Call off: To cancel or abandon plans or events.

Pick up: To lift or collect something; to improve or recover.

Carry on: to continue.

Blow up: to explode or become angry.

Break down – to stop working or have an emotional collapse

Back off – to move away or retreat

These are just a few examples, and there are many more phrasal verbs in English with various meanings.

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